Tag: adventure

Cruising Journey: Apprehension to Enjoyment, Sonamara, Ep. 3

In this episode, Lou and Patrice share their perspective on this lifestyle. After having cruised for a few years, they offer some insights on things they’ve learned along the way, and some surprises. Patrice reveals her personal journey from apprehension to true enjoyment of their […]

Cayuse, Ep. 4

In this episode, Brent and Jill share the leap of faith they took during their first cruising adventure, setting off with no set timetable or obvious parachute. They talk about the cruising community and the people who have inspired them out here on the water. […]

Cayuse, Ep. 1

Meet Brent and Jill cruising on their sleek J-37, Cayuse. These two have been messing about on boats for 35 years, living aboard for many years and cruising on two completely different types of boats. They certainly share a spirit of adventure and appreciate the moments of perfection that this lifestyle brings.

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