Tipke Dock Cart

Demo Tipke CArt
It Holds a Lot of Stuff. Lisa rolled this 1/2 Mile no problem

Cruising is not going on a cruise.  Cruising is definitely more work than that, and a lot of that work is about hauling the freight, schlepping your stuff, getting the groceries, and so forth.  We use the fold-it aluminum cart.  This has been a great help hauling 4 batteries at a time, huge loads of laundry, provisions for a month. In this picture we checked into a hotel while our boat was in the yard.  Here we are moving our stuff, back to the boat, all in one load, no taxi. The large wheels and sturdy construction let us easily move our stuff a half mile back to the boat. The cart takes seconds to fold or unfold and stores in a small flat package just and folding the handle keeps the cart in the folded position making a package that weighs only 33 lbs and is 41 inches long, 9.5 inches thick and 23 inches high. We love this cart and it has held up well over the past 4 years.  An airless tire option is available although we top our regular tires off about twice a year.

If you’re not a boater this would make a great garden cart or use to walk to the grocery store.

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